Cybersecurity Best Practices for Small Businesses

Best practices in cybersecurity are becoming increasingly important to individuals and businesses of all sizes. It seems like every day there is another company apologizing for a breach of data or admitting they have been compromised. Cyberattacks can impact even the biggest conglomerates, however small companies are more susceptible. It’s a good idea to know that security measures can be easily implemented and can enhance your company’s online safety. Utilizing strong passwords, updating software frequently, enabling multifactor authentication, and implementing safe emailing are all basic security guidelines that everyone should follow.

For businesses, it is important to have a dedicated team or consultant to monitor the network and device security. This will ensure that vulnerabilities are fixed immediately after they are discovered. Furthermore, it is essential to have a backup system in place, so that even the event that an attack succeeds, the business can continue to run while cybersecurity experts deal with the damage and cleanup.

It is important to educate your employees about what to look for in attachments or emails that appear suspicious or out of the normal. Even with the best security measures in place, there are some attacks will succeed. If an employee is aware of the warning signs, and knows what to say in the event of a breach they can limit the time and damage of the attack. This can be done through awareness training, and by establishing an environment that encourages integrity. Businesses should also be able to keep track of their employees’ activities on their devices and networks to spot any unusualities.

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